Public Speaking Programs Calendar


Virtual Circles

Evening Classes    Weekend Classes    Trainings

Virtual Circles

We are now offering Virtual Speaking Circles. For more details and schedule see Virtual Circles.

Evening Programs

Wednesday, Nov. 15, 6-7:30 pm, In-person Speaking Circle in Berkeley facilitated by Doreen Downing. Phone 415-924-8955 or email.

(Note: In her clinical practice as a psychologist, Doreen also has openings for those who would like to work privately on their speaking anxiety.)

For updates on the planned return of in-person Speaking Circle with Lee Glickstein, phone 415-302-3526 or email.

Weekend Programs


Facilitator Trainings

North America

  • California
    Friday-Sunday, February 21-23, 2025
     San Francisco Bay Area, plus 3-month group coaching program


  • The Netherlands
    Tuesday-Friday, 5-8 September, 2023,
    plus 3-month group coaching program